Amrendra Ajay, PhD


Project(s) in lab: Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (KIM-1) is expressed by proximal tubular cells to various injury acutely and chronically. KIM-1 helps uptake of phophatidyl serine in acute kidney injury, which helps in resolution of acute kidney injury whereas, chronic KIM-1 expression leads to kidney fibrosis in mice. Thus inhibiting KIM-1 in chronic kidney kidney disease can be protective. Our objective was to find a small molecular inhibitor of KIM-1 using high throughput cell based functional assay for inhibiting KIM-1’s function of uptaking oxidized lipids. We found number of potent compounds that are specific for inhibition for the uptake of oxidized lipids.
Current position: Instructor in Medicine

Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School

It was great time for me to work in the laboratory and discussing with the lab members. Apart from the lab work, I learned a lot from Joe, how to critically analyze the data, develop the hypothesis and move the project forward. I enjoyed our lab meetings where all the lab members have a good discussion about projects. Sometimes, we go out for lunch or dinner together with the lab members either in small group or all together, which was a lot of fun to talk about different cultures. My time spent in the Bonventre lab is one of the memorable moments for me. Create